List of Services

List of Services

Comprehensive Package for Junior/Senior Years:                                                         

Assisting student through each step of the college search and application process, usually starting summer before of the Junior year through final submission.  All meetings are individual, one-on-one with student.



  • Personality and aptitude exploration though various assessments to assist in possible career paths and “right fit” college recommendations.
  • Research, discuss, and develop preliminary list of “right fit” colleges.
  • Interviews with parent and student to explore college needs and preferences.
  • Individual online access for assisting student with research and evaluation of potential colleges.
  • Professional student assessment and recommendations– evaluate academic transcripts, standardized test scores, and extracurricular to determine admission possibilities.
  • Development of final custom College list for applications - best fit colleges based on student needs and values; balancing academic, social and financial needs.
  • Admissions testing timeline and planning.
  • College Admissions resource notebook via online files access.
  • Development and guidance in completion of up to 10 college applications, including timeline for completion process:

o   Main Personal Essay topic and theme brainstorming and development to best reflect student to colleges.

o   Main Personal Essay drafting and development to final Essay for submission.

o   Supplemental essays brainstorming, development, editing, organizing and tracking for all agreed upon targeted school     applications. 

o   Development of activities list statements for each application platform, as needed, to maximize student achievements.

o   Development of resume, both expanded and condensed, as needed, to maximize and highlight student achievements.

o   Interview preparation for individual schools’ admission process, as needed.

o   Individual online access for assisting student with organization and planning of college applications.

o   Access to additional unique custom online tools to further assist in information development and tracking.

Right Start Package for Freshman/Sophomore Years:                                                                 

Assist student to make the most of their high school years, including coursework and activities, preparing students to successfully step into their college search and application process. All meetings are individual, one-on-one with student.


  • Review of academic record
  • Advice on course selection
  • Testing recommendations
  • Recommendations for summer activities and planning
  • Recommendations on extracurricular and volunteer activities
  • Recommendations on preplanning for a successful application process
  • Bi-annual consultations to monitor student progress

Texas Three Package 


Assistance with 3 Texas colleges or universities of your choosing, guiding the student through each step of application process for your chosen 3 schools.  All meetings are individual, one-on-one with student. 


  • Main Personal Essay topic and theme brainstorming and development to best reflect student to colleges.
  • Main Personal Essay drafting and development to final Essay for submission.
  • Supplemental essays brainstorming, development, editing, organizing, and tracking for all agreed upon targeted school applications.
  • Development of activities list statements for each application platform, as needed, to maximize student achievements.
  • Development of resume, both expanded and condensed, as needed, to maximize and highlight student achievements.
  • Interview preparation for individual schools’ admission process, as needed.
  • Individual online access for assisting student with organization and planning of college applications.
  • Access to additional unique custom online tools to further assist in information development and tracking.
  • Does not include list development/school recommendations, personality/aptitude assessments for major selection, testing recommendations, application assistance beyond your 3 chosen Texas schools.

Hourly Consultation Services or

Pre-purchase a Block of 5 Consultant Hours:                                                                                                     

  • Providing information and advice regarding College Application Process. All meetings are individual, one-on-one with student.

Item Specific Packages:

     College Add-On   


  • For Comprehensive Package students, each additional college for application beyond the scope of the up to 10 colleges agreed upon for admission assistance within the scope of the Comprehensive; or for Texas Three Package students, each additional Texas college for application beyond your 3 colleges agreed upon for admission assistance. 

     Military Academy

  • Academy summer programs, Congressional/US Senate application/essays, ROTC application essays.

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